The candidates who applied for the exam can follow the steps given below to check and download their admit card from official website:

Step 1: Open the official website
The candidates need to open the official website of the NIOS D.El.Ed programme – dled.nios.ac.in. The candidates are advised to download admit card from official website only.
Step 2: Click on Download Admit Card Link
On the homepage of the website, you will find the link for Admit Card. The candidates need to click on this link.
Step 3: Enter Login details
Once you click on the Admit Card download link, it will redirect to a log in page. You need to enter your registration/roll number, date of birth and click on submit button.
Step 4: NIOS D.El.Ed Admit Card will be displayed
As you click on the Submit Button, your profile page will appear. Your admit card for the D.El.Ed exam will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download and take a print out
Download your admit card and also take a print out of the same as you need to carry your admit card and a valid ID proof to the exam centre.
Step 6: Verify your details mentioned in the admit card
After downloading the admit card, the candidates are advised to check their details mentioned on the admit card. Check details of enrollment number, candidate’s name, father’s name, medium, centre code and full address, exam date, exam time, photograph, subject code, subject name, and important instructions. In case of mismatch, inform authorities of the same.