MAH MBA CET 2018 Admit Card: Know Release Date, Exam Date, Other Details
NEW DELHI: Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State will release the admit cards for MAH MBA/ MMS CET 2018 on 28 February. Examination will be held on 10 and 11 March 2018 and results are expected on 19 March 2018. Mock tests have been released for candidates which can be accessed using registration number and password. The exam will be held for granting admission to First Year of Full Time Post Graduate Degree Courses in Management (MBA/MMS) in various institutes in Maharashtra, for Academic Year 2018-19.MAH MBA/ MMS CET 2018: Important Points
- The exam will be held in online mode in multiple sessions
- Hall tickets will be available at
- Intimation for the hall tickets will be sent to respective candidates through email/ SMS
- Candidates can download the hall ticket using Registration Number/ Roll Number and password/ date of birth
- Candidates shall have to affix recent photograph on the admit card
- Admit card and photo ID proof are essential to carry to the exam hall. Ration Card & Learning Driving License are not valid id proof
- The exam will be for 2 hours and 30 minutes however candidates shall have to remain in the venue for approximately 4 hours.
Once the results are out, the admissions to the following institutes will be based on the score of MAH- MBA/MMS CET 2018, provided they are approved & recognized by Government of Maharashtra and are affiliated to any of the Non- Agricultural University in Maharashtra State.
- All Government of Maharashtra Management Education Institutes
- University Departments of Management Education
- University -managed Management Education Institutes
- All Un-aided Management Education Institutes covered as per the Act