Jobs With Minimal Schooling Required

High-Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home Without a College Degree

When you’re considering what you want to do for the rest of your life as a career, it can often be overwhelming looking at the long list of choices. For those who don’t want to spend a fortune paying for expensive schooling, it might be a good option to consider trades that don’t require a degree. Here are some of the options you might consider.


Becoming a plumber requires completion of a trade school program or apprenticeship. Many companies pay for these programs while you are working for them, so you don’t end up paying any money out of your own pocket. Once you are done with the program, you are set to take your trade in any direction you would like to go.

Massage Therapist

Much like a plumber, becoming a massage therapist can be done by completing a qualified trade school program. Your choices for an Atlanta school of massage therapy will be numerous, so check with the programs to find the best fit for you. After you are done with the program, you can work for a local spa or even start your own massage business.

Surgical Technician

While this trade does require specialized training, the amount of schooling required for the job you qualify for in the end is definitely worth the investment. If you are interested in the medical field but don’t want to spend a fortune going to school, look into programs that can help you become a surgical tech.

Finding a rewarding career doesn’t have to break the bank. Options are out there for those who aren’t able to pursue a traditional degree for any reason. Rest assured that when you find the right fit, your work will be rewarding and beneficial no matter how much school you needed to get to that point.