FCI Manager Admit Card 2019 to Release Soon @fci.gov.in: Check FCI Manager Category 2 Exam Date

FCI Admit Card 2019

FCI Manager Admit Card 2019: Food Corporation of India (FCI) will soon release the admit card of the online Phase 1 exam for the post of Manager (General, Depot, Movement, Accounts, Technical, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Hindi). Today, FCI released an important notice regarding the FCI Manager Exam for Category-II. As per the official notice, the exam will be held on 28 November 2019 (Thursday).

The candidates who have applied for the FCI Manager recruitment 2019 can download their admit card from FCI official website. As per the notice, the admit card will be made available 10 days prior to the exam. So, it is expected the FCI Manager Call Letter 2019 can be released in the third week of November. Intimation for downloading call letter will also be sent through email/SMS. The will be required to use their Registration Number/Roll Number and Password/Date of Birth for downloading the call letter.

Job Summary

Country India

 Candidates can check all the details related to FCI Manger Phase 1 exam such as the date, time and venue on FCI Manager Admit Card 2019. The duration of the test is 60 minutes.

 Candidates should carry their Call Letter along with photo Identity Proof.

Candidates who will clear the Phase 1 Exam will be called for Phase 2 Exam. Selected candidates will be employed as a Management Trainees and undergo training for six months. Only stipend will be paid to them at the rate of Rs. 40,000 per month during the training period. Management Trainees will be absorbed as Managers in the IDA Pay scale of Rs. 40,000 – 1,40,000 after successful completion of training period of six months.

FCI is conducting the exam to fill up 330 vacancies for the post of Manager across India.
