A brand-new experiment to assist individuals in exploring additional career options

7 Reasons To Treat Your Career as an Experiment

Claire Thorn, a military spouse, knew she wanted to prepare for a new career after 20 years as a stay-at-home mom. She earned a Google Career Certificate in e-commerce and digital marketing. Although the course gave her a solid foundation, she still had trouble navigating the job search process. After that, Claire became one of the early users of Google’s Career Dreamer, a brand-new experimental tool. Career Dreamer showed her how her life experiences could translate into skills and new career opportunities after she responded to a few straightforward questions about her background and interests. “(Career Dreamer) assisted me in identifying skills that I take for granted and showed me that they are important and useful in the workforce,” says Claire. I can now rely on myself with the assurance that I already possess precisely what employers require. To make career exploration a little bit simpler for everyone, we are now making this experiment available at grow.google/careerdreamer.

Navigating a skills-based workforce

According to the World Economic Forum, workers typically hold 12 different jobs over their lifetimes, with Gen Z expected to hold 18 jobs over six careers. And the less traditional your career path is, the harder it can be to frame your previous experiences into one cohesive narrative, or to understand what careers align with your particular skills and strengths. However, it is extremely beneficial to acquire an understanding of the skills you already have and to learn how to effectively communicate them. It opens doors to new roles and enables job candidates to demonstrate their relevant experience to employers. Career Dreamer can help with this. Putting the pieces together with Career Dreamer Career Dreamer makes use of artificial intelligence to identify patterns and link your individual experiences, educational background, skills, and interests. It’s like a helping hand to make the connection between where you are now and where you might go in the future. Based on job market data from Lightcast and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it connects you with careers that might be a good fit and helps you quickly identify your unique skills and talents and how to talk about them. It can even assist you in finding training resources like Google Cloud Skills Boost and Google Career Certificates. You can use Career Dreamer to: Shape your professional story. Create a Career Identity Statement that highlights your contribution to the workforce. This statement can be included on your resume or professional profile and used as interview talking points. Investigate career options. Find jobs in your area that are relevant to your interests and discover a variety of careers that might complement your unique background. Take the next step. Collaborate with Gemini, your AI assistant from Google, to start drafting a cover letter, refine your resume, spark new ideas for potential careers, and more.

How to get started We hope Career Dreamer can be of use to job seekers of all kinds. Throughout its development, we consulted organizations that provide assistance to a wide range of individuals, including students navigating their first careers, recent graduates entering the workforce, adult learners seeking new opportunities, and the military community, which includes veterans, spouses, and transitioning service members.