25+ Lucrative Remote Positions (and How to Find and Land Them)

25 Work-From-Home Jobs Paying $25 per Hour in 2024 | FlexJobs

A task is about far beyond what you do consistently. Who you work with, who you work for, your workplace, and your advantages are immeasurably significant variables — and can be basic components to your pursuit of employment and dynamic interaction.

In the event that you’re searching for a task you can do from home that compensates fairly, understanding what lucrative remote positions are out there is the best spot to begin. Here is your go-to manual for lucrative remote positions across businesses and how to find and land your own.

What Is a Lucrative Remote Work?

A lucrative remote occupation has two primary elements: it compensates fairly and permits you to work beyond an office.

What Is a “Lucrative” Work?

A task that “compensates fairly” can mean a wide range of things to various individuals. How somebody characterizes a “lucrative work” frequently relies upon their business history, typical cost for many everyday items, costs, and area.

For instance, a $60,000 compensation for a section level representative living in a provincial region may be viewed as high, however the equivalent $60,000 would feel somewhat low to a mid-level worker living in a costly city. At the point when you choose what a “lucrative work” signifies to you, you ought to just think about your particular conditions — your spending plan, your requirements, and the typical cost for many everyday items in your city.

For this aide, we’ve thought of “lucrative” anything near $100,000.

What Is a Remote Work?

A remote occupation should be possible external a conventional office or on location working environment. These jobs don’t need driving or working from a particular area.

All things being equal, remote positions are essentially on the web, where you can work autonomously and discuss practically with collaborators.

For this aide, we’ve considered a “remote work” any occupation where you can complete its essential obligations beyond an office. While organizations have in-office prerequisites for a portion of these jobs, the fact of the matter is that these jobs should be possible from a distance.

Why You Could Need a Remote Work (Even Right off the bat in Your Vocation)

In the event that you’re not kidding “lucrative remote positions,” there’s an opportunity to as of now consider a vocation where you can telecommute. However, on the off chance that you actually need persuading, there are many justifications for why a remote occupation can be gainful, regardless of whether you’re beginning:

Balance between fun and serious activities: While certain individuals might find it challenging to obscure the lines among work and home without an actual office, remote positions make it simpler to implant a portion of your life into your business day — or get your life back! For instance, you could possibly toss in a heap of clothing throughout a break or endure an hour figuring out toward the beginning of the day as opposed to driving.
Efficiency: The workplace can be perfect for coordinated effort yet can likewise be diverting. Telecommuting limits outer interferences that happen while working in a bustling common space, making it simpler to finish your work.
Independence: Remote positions permit you to set your workplace to whatever makes you generally useful and agreeable. You may likewise have greater adaptability with respect to when and where you take standard work breaks.
While advantages to are being in the workplace, for example, joint effort and meeting collaborators, these advantages are as yet conceivable while working from a distance. It could require additional work to make similar associations.

25+ Lucrative Remote Positions

Anyway, what lucrative remote positions are out there? Here are in excess of 25 jobs that compensate fairly and don’t need in-office work.


Assessed all out compensation: $90,780
Projected work viewpoint: 4% (as quick as normal)

Bookkeepers assist individuals and organizations with keeping their funds all together. They oversee monetary records, plan budget reports, and guarantee everybody assembles with charge guidelines. Since this job serious areas of strength for requires to detail and insightful abilities, bookkeepers might have the adaptability to remotely work.

Craftsmanship Chief

Assessed complete compensation: $125,920
Projected work viewpoint: 6% (quicker than normal)

Craftsmanship chiefs are imaginative experts who assist with transforming thoughts into visual encounters on paper, video, film, or different mediums. This position of authority regularly includes teaming up with planners, picture takers, and other creatives. While this job includes coordination, it tends to be done somewhat through offbeat and online correspondence.

Cloud Draftsman

Assessed absolute compensation: $133,930
Work viewpoint: 4% (as quick as normal)

Cloud draftsmen plan and secure an organization’s computerized foundation. They pick the organization’s distributed computing frameworks and test their exhibition to guarantee the organization has proficient and secure systems administration, capacity, servers, and investigation. Given the specialized idea of the job and the capacity to oversee cloud conditions from a distance, cloud planners frequently have the adaptability to work from anyplace with a dependable web association.


Assessed absolute compensation: $115,530
Projected work standpoint: 10% (a lot quicker than normal)

Specialists give master counsel to organizations to assist with taking care of their business issues. There are various kinds of experts relying upon their recommendation; for instance, an administration specialist exhorts on hierarchical issues and undertakings, while an innovation specialist prompts on an organization’s innovation. While specialists might have to get assembles with colleagues and clients, this can be a remote-accommodating job.

Client Achievement Supervisor

Assessed complete compensation: $144,697
Work viewpoint: 5% (as quick as normal)

Client achievement directors guarantee their clients are happy with their organization’s items or administrations. They need excellent relational abilities to construct solid client connections and comprehend their requirements, trouble spots, and potential learning experiences. While some client achievement administrators might meet their clients face to face, a large number of these experts can work from a distance and convey by means of telephone, email, message, or video call.

Information Researcher

Assessed complete compensation: $165,018
Projected work viewpoint: 35% (a lot quicker than normal)

Information researchers are the seers of the business world. They utilize their logical abilities to reveal examples and bits of knowledge in information and make models that assist with anticipating future patterns. This job should be possible remotely in light of the fact that it includes working with information and code.

Financial analyst

Assessed complete compensation: $132,650
Projected work viewpoint: 6% (quicker than normal)

Financial analysts dissect information and miniature and macroeconomic patterns to assist with illuminating strategies and business choices. For instance, a financial specialist could make a microeconomic estimate to assist a business with understanding deals and purchaser interest, or an administration organization find out about the effect of a compensation strategy. Since financial specialists center around investigation and exploration, a lot of their job should be possible freely and from a distance.

Monetary Examiner

Assessed all out compensation: $112,950
Work standpoint: 8% (quicker than normal)

Monetary investigators reveal bits of knowledge from information to assist organizations with settling on financial choices. They examine information, construct monetary models, make conjectures, and present data to chiefs. Since these experts work autonomously with information and monetary programming, they can frequently work from a distance.

HR Administrator

Assessed all out compensation: $154,740
Projected work viewpoint: 5% (quicker than normal)

HR supervisors guarantee worker accomplishment from the second they have their most memorable enrollment specialist call to their post employment survey. These experts work on ability securing, representative relations, organization advantages, consistence, and the sky is the limit from there. While human asset directors might go to face to face occasions like representative on-destinations or preparing, numerous HR undertakings, like strategy improvement, execution the board, and advantages organization, can be actually overseen from a distance.

Data Security Examiner

Assessed all out compensation: $96,652
Projected work viewpoint: 32% (a lot quicker than normal)

Data security experts are the advanced watchmen of PC frameworks and organizations. These specialized experts recognize weaknesses in their organization frameworks, carry out security messages and protects, and answer cyberattacks. Since security concerns center around PC frameworks and organizations, this field is remote-accommodating, and this job should be possible from anyplace (as long as your organization is secure!).

Protection Guarantor

Assessed complete compensation: $85,610
Projected work viewpoint: – 2% (decline)

Insurance guarantors assess protection applications to investigate hazard and settle on conclusions about giving protection contracts. These experts need aptitude in insurance items and contracts and logical abilities. Since a large part of the guaranteeing system includes information investigation, risk evaluation, and navigation, a job frequently loans itself well to remote work plans.

IT Supervisor

Assessed complete compensation: $180,720
Projected work viewpoint: 15% (a lot quicker than normal)

IT (data innovation) supervisors center around everything PC related in an association. They assist with guaranteeing that the organization has the right situation for the undertakings its representatives are chipping away at. While IT directors need to speak with business pioneers to simply decide and assist individual representatives, their work with canning be done internet, making this job a reasonable remote profession.

AI Architect

Assessed absolute compensation: $133,336
Projected work viewpoint: 40% (a lot quicker than normal)

An AI engineer trains man-made brainpower by planning and building models that train the framework. These specialized experts need a high level comprehension of calculations, programming dialects, and distributed computing stages. Since a lot of their work includes trial and error, model turn of events, and framework enhancement, which should be possible freely, AI designs frequently have the adaptability to remotely work.